enyo drakos

if you want peace, prepare for war.


amidst grecian ruins, a young girl begged tourists for money. when they did not have any to spare, the girl took to survive. alone and with no home to call her own, she was targeted by an ancient league of supernatural assassins simply called The Guild. the organization has branches established all over the world, dating back centuries. they target orphaned children and raise them to kill, steal, seduce, and destroy. if the children are not born supernatural, they are made so. their faction is based on their personalities, abilities, and physical characteristics. the girl was swift and agile, and with extremely strict training, she became a master martial artist and an expert in various weaponry-- but she has a particular love for her twin sai. at twenty-seven, the girl with no name became Enyo, named after the greek goddess of war and destruction; she was assigned to the vampire faction. Enyo killed for The Guild for seventy years, until she decided she would like a life of her own.


boy met girl in the darkest alleyway imaginable, in the fiery pits of Hell's Kitchen. Atticus was of the american branch of the guild, and he was loyal and just and killed only those he saw fit to die. he saved her from slipping into the dark, and she loved him with everything she had. they decided to leave The Guild together, which was an unheard of feat. Atticus, however, had connections-- and miraculously, they were free. two years after their break with The Guild, they adopted a three-year-old boy and named him Theo. Atticus was a lawyer, Enyo was an event planner, and Theo was in daycare when it all went spiraling to shit. The Council was recruiting, and they had quite the allotment of cruel methods to insure that their wardens were the best of the best. The Council had Atticus murdered, and framed it on Enyo-- The Guild, in alliance with The Council believed it, and gave The Council full reign over her trial. She would be put to death, and Theo would be given to The Guild if she did not comply. heartbroken and lost, she took Theo and attempted to skip town. The Council eventually caught up to them and broke apart the mother and son. Theo was given to The Guild, and Enyo was tossed into the pit, where she was subjected to brutal torture for her 'crimes'. after six months, she bartered a deal with The Council; she would be their warden over the vampire faction.. a bound soldier... as long as her son was free of The Guild. The Council took the deal... but with the perfect stroke of cruelty.

The Present.

Enyo has been The Council's loyal warden for ten years, and she has managed to numb herself to the past in order to keep her son safe, where he rests under a sleeping curse. she is the highest ranking vampire in The Authority, and she won't hesitate to make that clear if you oppose her. her loyalty remains as long as she knows her son is safe, and she gets to visit him. she seeks a way out still, behind closed doors.. a safe way to dissappear and break the curse her son is under. until then, she serves.


Hello, I am the writer behind Enyo. She is an original character for the sub-verse called Blacklight City, which is based in the dc universe. The admin of this beautiful sub-verse is the writer Desi, and you can find them @STUPlDSAlNT on Twitter. Desi, if you're reading this I'm sorry I don't know how the fuck these links work ily. Enyo is multi-ship, and multi-verse and I'm very open to banter/SLs, but I am selective and quite often very busy. Don't hesitate to message me if you would like to write, despite the tag... my hair doesn't bite and neither do I.

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( Made with Carrd )